Friday, March 18, 2011

Body Copy Text

We were ask to write our full name in ten different body copy text and write how we felt about each.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week Three Indesign Prac - Casey

 One page A4 document using Leading, Tracking, Kerning, Vertical/Horizontal Scale, Baseline Shift, Fractions, Skew, Line Indents, drop caps and a numbered list as a Paragraph Style (with numbering restarting half way through).

Typography Task

Using InDesign Casey asked us to come up with creative ways of using the word typography...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My piece for the Zine ...



We had to re create these three packages, SOO fun ...
Each student had to contribute what we done on the packaging, my task was to do the Schmackos Logo.

Schmackos Box

Continental Soup
Kelloggs LCMs